
Monday 31 August 2020

Five things I am grateful for!

 Kia Ora I'm Jackie and today I am sharing what I am grateful for since we recently just came out of level three. Here are five things I am grateful for

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Descriptive writing

 Task description: Today I used things in my house to describe them. Here's a short presentation that shows the stuff I described. 

Monday 24 August 2020

Totara trees

 Task description: Today I learnt about Totara trees it was very interesting when I learnt about it, did you know that Totara trees are one of the majestic forest canopy trees. Anyways here is a slideshow/presentation of my reading work for this week.

Friday 21 August 2020

Facts about Mexico

 Task description: This week for Inquiry I learnt about Mexico here are some facts that you might or might not know about Mexico. 

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Time for decimals

During lockdown I learnt about decimals. When your using decimals you can use them for many things, such as when your racing race race it could also be used in part of a fraction.

Thursday 13 August 2020

In Alert level 3 once again

 On Wednesday I found out that were going to go into alert Level three once again. This was very devastating for me to hear because last time we went into level four and three it was very boring because I wasn't used to stay home for long, and the now whole of Auckland have to witness staying in our homes once again. Luckily it is only for three days from Wednesday-Friday unless more cases arise. 

Monday 10 August 2020

The year 7s next year

Task description: Today I made a list of thing that the teachers should What would we keep? What would we stop? What would we add? And why do we have such events?. Here are some Ideas to help with next year's stand up programme. Also what would you pick if you got the chance to do something like that.

Highlight from Stand up / Leadership

Today at 10:00am team five had a meeting and the year eight and seven leader were in front of everyone an were sharing what they enjoyed and what they learnt from year sevens stand up programme or camp. Here are ten things they shared.

1. Sauma one of the year seven leaders from stand up, shared how she enjoyed how she saw people became more of a leader.

2. Nina a year seven another leader from stand up, said that she enjoyed the food that we had. 

3. Bradley another year 7 leader said he enjoyed 

4. Mohammed said they like how people stepped up and became be like a leader by coming out of the convert zone

5. Another person said they liked how people were being kind to each / supporting their team.

6. Some of the yr eight boy said that they were scared on the first night of camp so Jezakia and his dorm mates put their beds together an slept on the bottom bed on the first night and the top bed on the second night.   

7. Two leaders from the yr eight camp teams said they enjoyed going on the go cart and doing paint ball

8. One of the year eight said they liked the games that they played at camp.

9. One person said they liked the food they ate at camp.

10. They all have like how they had fun whether they were at the yr step up or at yr eight camp. 

Leadership Programme

 Last week while the year eights were at camp me and the rest of the year sevens stayed and took part in the year seven leadership programme which was held at school. At this programme we learned more about being a leader and what it means. I was was in Duck life, it sound awkward at first but it didn't really matter because being part of that group was really enjoyable. 

In Ms Tipenes class, we made poster that included inspirational thoughts / quotes but before picking a quotes we were told to pick a shape or a picture to draw for us to put the quote inside. After drawing the shape and writing the quote on a paper then we were to draw it on the paper then we put it on a bigger paper. In this class we our chant. 

In Mrs Ilaoas class, we played lots of game one of them were a cookie game. In the game you get a cookie there was twenty or more people in duck life so we only had one cookie each before we start playing the games we had to get into group of seven and I think there were three or four group altogether. After getting getting into the groups we played the game and my team one but not only did we win but we also had lots of fun. 

On Friday morning we had a school assembly like normal except since the year eights went to camp and the prefex were goon the year sevens took over for them. After the assembly we had team challenges. My favourite game was the cup stacking game even though me and a couple of people didn't take part we just charred on the people that were play.