
Monday, 26 August 2019

Rocky shore habitits

These are zones of the rocky shore. We had to stick the creatures into the right zones or habitats. There are four zones the splash zone, high zone, mid zone and low zone.

Splash Zone- top zone only get water from big waves and rain. Sea gulls, Snails, Fur seals and barnacles are found here as well as some crabs.

High zones- like the splash zone only gets some water and lots of waves. Crabs, cushions, starfish and limpets can be found here. 

Mid zones- this gets uncovered twice a day when there is high tide, otherwise it is covered in water. Big star fish and chitons and crabs.

 Low zones- Always underwater so the creatures that need to always have water live here. Sea cucumbers, small fish, kina, seahorse and seaweed can be found here.

Friday, 23 August 2019

maths Bronze Week 5

WALT: Solve problems using fractions and division.

 Task description: I had to solve problems using fractions and division

Monday, 12 August 2019

Family of facts

WALT: Solve problems using fractions and divisions.

  Task description: I practiced my times tables. I also learnt that there is a relationship between times tables and division, its called family of facts.